Guardians of Shen Pi
Guardians of Shen Pi Warrior monks who guard the monastery of Shen Pi. Discover more terms
A controlled and repeatable Einstein–Rosen bridge (wormhole) which bends time and space to bring two predetermined points together and creates a portal.
Guardians of Shen Pi Warrior monks who guard the monastery of Shen Pi. Discover more terms
Harbinger Robotics (The Harbingers) A technology company that is the public face of a clandestine organisation who wish to possess the secrets and archives of
Hidden Inventions Incredible inventions that were hidden by a breakaway faction of The Few. Discover more terms
Holobots Nanodes capable of connecting to other and then emitting light to form physical holograms. Discover more terms
Hologlobe A Holobot globe, located in the Old Library, showing a real time meteorological image of the earth. Discover more terms
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