Peter Flint


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With an unwavering presence and commanding demeanour, Smoke stands tall as a natural leader, earning the respect and admiration of those around them. His ability to inspire and motivate others is unparalleled, as he possess a magnetic charisma that instils a sense of purpose and determination in his team. 


Full Name: Peter Flint

Nickname: Smoke

Cadre: The Quiet Elves

Cadre Role: Charlatan

Age: 27

strengths / weaknesses


With an unwavering presence and commanding demeanor, Smoke stands tall as a natural leader, earning the respect and admiration of those around them. His ability to inspire and motivate others is unparalleled, as he possess a magnetic charisma that instills a sense of purpose and determination in his followers.


Despite his strengths, Smoke’s confidence could sometimes lead to overestimating his abilities or underestimating opponents. This overconfidence might make him prone to taking unnecessary risks or ignoring potential threats, putting himself and others in danger. It’s crucial for him to strike a balance between confidence and humility to make well-informed decisions.

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