

Cadre A team of four field agents in The Few. A Paladin, Juggernaut, Reader and Charlatan.

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Charlatan A type of field agent in The Few whose primary roles are intelligence gathering, spying and covert operations.

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Dark Mods

Dark Mods Genetic Modifications the use of which has been outlawed or deemed dangerous by The Council of The Few.

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Dragon’s Breath

Dragon’s Breath An extreme energy drink designed for people using Mods. Mainstream versions come in special Dragon tins with Popping Candy in the mouth. Discover

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Ethnobotany The study of plants and their practical uses through the traditional knowledge of a local culture and people. Discover more terms

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Fabulous Atoms

Fabulous Atoms A free service created by Jasper Van Sandt to help people register a patent in the United Kingdom. Discover more terms

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Far Sight windows

Far Sight windows One way windows able to receive a feed from anywhere in the world, which transmit sight, sound and heat. Discover more terms

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Flic Farnsworth’s Learning and Interactive Cybernetic Curator. Looks after The Royal Society archives. Discover more terms

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Flint fingers

Flint fingers A Mod which hardens the fingers to the point where clicking them produces a spark. Discover more terms

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Fold The term given to folding time and space to create a tear through which the physical body could travel. Discover more terms

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Forbidden Inventions

Forbidden Inventions The three inventions forbidden by The Council of The Few. They are Invisibility, Shrinking and Time travel. Discover more terms

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Genetic memory

Genetic memory An extremely rare condition which allows a person to recall all the memories and skills of the person’s ancestors. Not to be confused

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Gopher A Clone Drone. A robot which mimics a users actions through a set of rings. Discover more terms

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Holobots Nanodes capable of connecting to other and then emitting light to form physical holograms. Discover more terms

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Hologlobe A Holobot globe, located in the Old Library, showing a real time meteorological image of the earth. Discover more terms

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Hologram A synthetic image which appears three dimensional to the human eye. Discover more terms

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Hoverbike A motorbike with an anti gravity engine. It has skis instead of wheels. Discover more terms

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Induction A year long assessment during which children of The Blood are assed for field training. Cadre training follows and lasts two years. Discover more

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Jitters pistol

Jitters pistol Sound weapon which interrupts the electrical signals in the body. Induces loss of all voluntary muscle control. Discover more terms

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Juggernaut A member of a Cadre whose primary role is to be the muscle. Skilled fighters and athletes. Discover more terms

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Krusa Remnants of a series of paving stones which ended at a broken archway. They are used to help Fold time and space, creating doorways

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Lagging Slang term given to the horrible draining feeling when a Mod wears off. It often resulted in the shakes, blurred vision and dizziness Discover

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Lanelia A plant found in the mountains surrounding The Gardens of Inti. The vines secrete a substance which inhibits voluntary muscle control. Discover more terms

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Magnetinc Magnetic Femtobots used to change skin tones, primarily for tattoos or make up. Discover more terms

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Mangler A weapon created by Harbinger Robotics which folds and compresses an object. Discover more terms

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Memory Merchant

Memory Merchant An outlaw Gene trader who administers genetically encoded memories using the Forbidden Physarum Mod. Discover more terms

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Microflowers Organic, CarboSilicone flora able to relay sights and sounds. They require no electricity or mechanics and can interface with the Earth Song network from

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Mjöo Viking beer and the favoured drink of renowned inventor, Gustaf Felvovin. Discover more terms

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Mod (Modification)

Mod (Modification) The slang term given to Transient Genetic Modifications that express foreign genes in the human genome. Discover more terms

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Mod pen

Mod pen A covert device used to administer Mods. It is coded to the user’s DNA and if anyone else attempts to use it, the

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Nanodes Nanodes are tiny robots whose components are at or near the scale of a nanometre.  Discover more terms

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Navitium An experimental artificial compound which yields large quantities of ATP (energy) when ingested. Discover more terms

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Nevamelt A patented compound which prevents chocolate and ice cream from melting. Discover more terms

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Official Secrets Act

Official Secrets Act A law which prohibits the wrongful communication of information that is considered sensitive by the government. Discover more terms

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Old Order

Old Order The Order of the Few before the time of Christopher Wren and The Invisible College. Discover more terms

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Paladin The leaders of a Cadre. Key attribute are guile and cunning. Swift and deadly, but diplomatic when needs must. Discover more terms

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Pankration A very old mixed martial art, believed to have originated in ancient Greece to train the Spartans. Discover more terms

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Physarum Mod

Physarum Mod A genetic memory Mod created from isolating the gene from Physarum Polysepalum. This is Forbidden Mod and only sold by outlaw Gene trader

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Project Apostle

Project Apostle Code name given to a top secret project within Harbinger Robotics, to create a synthetic atom. Discover more terms

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Quest match

Quest match A type of Cadre competition which can have many different objectives and landscapes. Quest matches typically involve achieving a goal before or by

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Reader Members of a Cadre. They are the academics; quick students with a capacity to store vast amounts of knowledge. Discover more terms

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Rosicrucian (The)

Rosicrucian (The) A movement that believes its members possess secret wisdom that was handed down to them from ancient times. Discover more terms

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Rummager Rufus Mandle’s Portal Satchel. Allows the one-way transportation of inanimate objects from a shelf in the Quartermaster’s Stores. Discover more terms

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Sea Legs

Sea Legs A fungal extract that causes the victim to lose balance and co-ordination Discover more terms

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Sigil A Cadre clan crest. Similar in principle to a traditional a coat of arms. Often tattooed onto Cadre members using Magnetinc. Discover more terms

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SNS-C Somatic Nervous System Curare. A compound harvested from Lanelia vines, which causes paralysis of all non-vital muscles and organs. Discover more terms

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Speedlift A controlled and repeatable Einstein–Rosen bridge (wormhole) which bends time and space to bring two predetermined points together and creates a portal. Discover more

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Stepping Stones

Stepping Stones Remnants of a series of paving stones which ended at a broken archway. They are used to help Fold time and space, creating

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Sumerians Sumer is the earliest known civilization in the historical region of southern Mesopotamia. Discover more terms

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Symbiont Spoiler! This definition will be provided when The Tricky Devils is released. Discover more terms

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Tanalot An invention by Robert Brown. Chemical sun block which provides Factor 30 protection from the sun for 48 hours. Discover more terms

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Tengar A chemical present in certain pollens and nectars endemic to The Gardens of Inti. It causes sterility in certain insects. Discover more terms

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The Blood

The Blood The original descendants of The Few. One child is required per generation to be dedicated to Cadre Induction. Discover more terms

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The Cube

The Cube The AI server cluster of The Order of The Few connected to the Earth Song network. Discover more terms

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The Forbidden Three

The Forbidden Three The three inventions forbidden by The Council of The Few. They are Invisibility, Shrinking and Time travel. Discover more terms

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The Inventors Fair

The Inventors Fair An annual fair held at the end of the Northern Hemisphere summer, on Valsieve Island. Associated with the annual CruciBowl. Discover more

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The Royal Society

The Royal Society Located in London, England, The Royal Society is the world’s oldest independent scientific academy, dedicated to promoting excellence in science. Discover more

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Time Box

Time Box One of Christopher Wren’s Hidden Inventions, the Time Box allows post to be sent back in time as far as 1654. Discover more

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