Fool’s Errand

Fool’s Errand

Fool’s Errand

The masters of deception, this Cadre are often never seen nor heard. If there was a Cadre for magicians, this would be it, for deception and delusion are their stock in trade. Misdirection, theatrics, and spectacular wild goose chases – they delight in weaving intricate plots of subterfuge from the shadows and leave people counting their fingers after shaking hands.

Together, this Cadre operates with a seamless precision that leaves their targets bewildered and off-balance. They strike from the darkness, their actions orchestrated with the finesse of a grand illusion. No one ever sees them coming, and by the time the dust settles, Fool’s Errand has already vanished, leaving only confusion and uncertainty in their wake. Their reputation precedes them, a whispered legend of a group so elusive and cunning that even the most fortified secrets are not safe from their reach.


The first Fool’s Errand Cadres was composed of four enigmatic individuals, each a virtuoso in the art of deception. Their leader, known only as The Illusionist, was a master of disguise and subterfuge, capable of becoming anyone and slipping in and out of places undetected. With an uncanny ability to predict and manipulate the actions of others, The Illusionist orchestrated the Cadre’s complex operations, always staying several steps ahead of their adversaries.

Next was The Conjurer, whose expertise lay in creating elaborate distractions and diversions. A former stage magician, The Conjurer used sleight of hand, pyrotechnics, and psychological manipulation to create chaos and confusion, allowing the team to move undetected and achieve their goals. Their illusions were so convincing that even the most sceptical observers were left questioning their reality.

The third member, The Whisperer, exceled in the art of persuasion and information extraction. With a silver tongue and an unparalleled understanding of human psychology, The Whisperer could charm secrets out of the most guarded individuals and sow discord among allies. They specialised in planting false information and creating believable yet entirely fictitious narratives that lead enemies astray.

Lastly, The Specter, the most mysterious of the group, was a shadowy figure whose presence was rarely detected until it was too late. An expert in stealth and infiltration, The Specter could move through heavily guarded areas like a ghost, leaving no trace of their passage. Their skill in surveillance and reconnaissance ensured that Fool’s Errand always has the upper hand, with knowledge of their opponents’ every move.

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