Category: Uncategorized


Reader Members of a Cadre. They are the academics; quick students with a capacity to store vast amounts of knowledge. Discover more terms

Quest match

Quest match A type of Cadre competition which can have many different objectives and landscapes. Quest matches typically involve achieving a goal before or by beating the other team(s). Discover more terms

Pulse grenade

Pulse grenade Sound weapon which induces nausea and loss of balance Discover more terms


Psychokinesis The use of the mind to control, move and bend the physical world. Discover more terms

Project Apostle

Project Apostle Code name given to a top secret project within Harbinger Robotics, to create a synthetic atom. Discover more terms

Physarum Mod

Physarum Mod A genetic memory Mod created from isolating the gene from Physarum Polysepalum. This is Forbidden Mod and only sold by outlaw Gene trader who used it to administers genetically encoded memories. Discover more terms

Patent Office

Patent Office An office of the governmental which controls the issue of patents. Discover more terms

Paralysis Pollen

Paralysis Pollen A synthetic pollen which causes non-lethal paralysis. Discover more terms


Pankration A very old mixed martial art, believed to have originated in ancient Greece to train the Spartans. Discover more terms


Paladin The leaders of a Cadre. Key attribute are guile and cunning. Swift and deadly, but diplomatic when needs must. Discover more terms