
Shock Whip

Shock Whip Nanotec whip with an electrically charged tip. Discover more terms

Shock Stick (also Pulse Rod/staff)

Shock Stick (also Pulse Rod/staff) Pulse weapon used by Harbinger Robotics field agents. Can either emit a pulse blast or electrically charged tip. Discover more terms

Shen Pi

Shen Pi A secret monastery in the Himalayas. Discover more terms


Sentients Artificial Intelligence Sentries used in Quest matches. Discover more terms

Sea Legs

Sea Legs A fungal extract that causes the victim to lose balance and co-ordination Discover more terms

Sandstorm trap

Sandstorm trap A turbine wind trap which immobilises someone in a mini tornado. Discover more terms


Sambo A Russian mixed martial art. Discover more terms


Rummager Rufus Mandle’s Portal Satchel. Allows the one-way transportation of inanimate objects from a shelf in the Quartermaster’s Stores. Discover more terms

Rosicrucian (The)

Rosicrucian (The) A movement that believes its members possess secret wisdom that was handed down to them from ancient times. Discover more terms

Rigor mortis Weapons

Rigor mortis Weapons Blunt weapons with no edge and are relatively harmless. When they are switched on, any part of the body which the blade touches, stiffens up and becomes useless. They’re a supremely effective, non-lethal weapon. Discover more terms